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Aggressive Appeals For Denied Workers' Compensation

Find the support, legal options and representation you need for a successful workers' compensation appeal at the Law Offices of Cliff Enten. Our law firm has offices in Denver, Colorado Springs and Fort Collins. We serve workers throughout the Colorado Front Range who have been denied workers' comp benefits.

Whether you are not receiving benefits, not being paid the proper amount or being paid in an untimely fashion, we can help you. We are familiar with resolving disputes involving insurance companies that choose to completely deny claims or only admit partial liability and thereby pay for some benefits but not others (e.g., paying for only certain medical expenses but not others, paying for medical expenses but not lost wages or denying disability payments).

Have you received a Notice of Contest from the workers' compensation insurance company? Do you disagree with the insurance company's Final Admission of Liability?

Steps To Appeal A Denied Workers' Compensation Claim

  1. Speak with a workers' compensation lawyer at our firm before speaking with the insurance adjuster.
  2. We will help you determine if working with your employer's insurance carrier to mediate or negotiate a resolution will be fruitful.
  3. We will help you file an application for hearing on your denied benefits issue with the Colorado Division of Workers' Compensation, which must be done within 45 days of the mailing date of the Notice of Contest.
  4. If you object to the Final Admission of Liability, we will help you file an Objection to Final Admission form, which must be completed within 30 days of receiving the statement.
  5. If disputes cannot be resolved, we will take your case in front of an administrative law judge (ALJ). There is no fee for an administrative hearing.
  6. If necessary, we can appeal an ALJ decision through the workers' compensation appeal process if you feel the ALJ did not make the right decision based on the facts of your case.

Hiring an experienced workers' compensation attorney to guide you and represent your case through this process is critically important. Missing just one deadline of the many you will be required to meet can cause your case to be dismissed. The process is not designed to be simple, and insurance company attorneys will take every opportunity to take advantage of your lack of legal knowledge and experience.

Our attorneys have recovered tens of millions of dollars in workers' compensation benefits for clients in a wide range of industries, and we have prevailed in numerous cases against each of the largest insurance companies that provide policies in Colorado.

Is It Worth Appealing A Denied Claim?

Consider what will happen if you do not appeal. You will receive reduced benefits or no benefits. You may lose your job if you do not go back to work. You will not be able to afford the medical care you need to recover and get back to work.

If you appeal with our law firm, you will pay no upfront attorney fees. If we do not win a monetary recovery on your behalf, there is no attorney fee. When we win, we collect our fee based on a percentage of your monetary settlement, but even then, your settlement exceeds what you would have received had you not appealed your case.

We will help you determine if it is in your best interests to appeal your denied claim, and we will fight for your maximum compensation based on your informed decisions.

Other questions about workers' compensation?

Contact One of Our Denver Worker's Compensation Lawyers Today

Call us at 303-333-2222 or email us to schedule a free initial consultation.

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We Are Dedicated To Helping You Get The Full Compensation You Deserve

The Law Offices of Cliff Enten, based in Denver, serves clients in Adams County, Jefferson County, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins and throughout the Colorado Front Range.

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